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Glazbena škola u Novskoj ugostila je dana 20. i 21.10.2015. svoje glazbene goste iz grada LeTouveta u Francuskoj. Svi prisutni mogli su svjedočiti odličnoj suradnji i atmosferi na održanim grupnim radionicama, kao i na koncertima u oba dana.
Glazbenu radionicu sa zborom, 20. i 21.10. vodio je Igor Tatarević, prof., a radionicu izrade eko instrumenata, 20.10. i radionicu "Bubnjarski krug", 21.10. vodila je Ana Valčić, prof.
U večernjim terminima oba dana održali su se koncerti učenika, 20.10.učenika Glazbene škole u Novskoj i 21.10. učenika izFrancuske. Zahvaljujemo našoj ravnateljici, gospođi Dunji Uroić, prof. na prepoznavanju važnosti ovog projekta i veselimo se daljnjoj suradnji Glazbene škole u Novskoj i naših prijatelja iz Francuske.
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The Music school in Novska has hosted guests from LeTouvet, France, on the 20th andthe 21st of October 2015. Everyone present could have witnessed the great atmosphere and collaboration in group workshops as well as in the concerts.
The music workshop with the choir both days was led by prof. Igor Tatarević. The Eco instrumentsmanufacturing, on the 20th andthe Drum circle workshop, on the 21st was led by prof. Ana Valčić. In the evening hours students concerts were held. The students from the Music school in Novska played on the 20 th and the students from France played on the 21st.
We would like to thank our school principal, Mrs. Dunja Uroić, prof. on the recognition of the importance of such a project. We are looking forward to all further collaboration of the Music school in Novska and our friends from LeTouvet.